Hey there, my tweets and twerps and you dirty birds, this is Money Must Pay Tax Man, Floyd Joy Mayweather Jr. and I just got hip or is it hep to social media.
I hope u all enjoy my Twitter page:
12:01 pm: Can u believe my Uncle Roger? Tried to strangle female boxer, maybe she wouldn’t do any necking with the old lecher
12:15 pm: All Filipinos are nothing as boxers. Who’s Nonito Donaire? He looks like the kid who I have wash and wax my Rolls Royce for 20 bucks
12:47 pm: Ever notice how Manny Pacman resembles a catfish? He’ll flop like Hatton did against him when I pimp slap him
12:55 pm: I slipped up and told some writer I hurt my spare ribs in training, poor choice of words
1:01 pm: Roger is out on bail, step down, next case. They calling him Python instead of Black Mamba now, that is funee
1:12 pm: Richie Rich just phoned. We’ve sold 300 tickets for 9/19 comeback bout against that little peasant from Mexico. That is slow
1:22 pm: That fat slob, ex-cop from Miami dissing me. I’ll let 50 Cent trash this man of ample girth
1:37 pm: How did Pacquiao get in Time magazine? Can’t even read or speak English, it’s Riddickulous
1:41 pm: That old sleazeball Bob Arum on my jock again. I might buy Top Rank and hand him a broom.
1:44 pm: Box office running wild, we just peddled seven more cheap seats to some Mexican busboys. Mayweather does love Messico
1:58 pm: Dana White wants to know why Melissa St. Vil didn’t tap out when Rajah put his stranglehold on her
2:02 pm: That chick whacked Rajah with a lamp, funee because Unca is not the brightest light in any library. Only thing kept Rajah out of sixth grade was fifth grade
2:44 pm: That lady boxer left clothes in Roger’s apt, maybe I can give them to that freak Oscar
2:51 pm: Laughing Lenny Ellerbe ask me for paid vacation. I said, vacation from what, lol. All he does is answer phone and go, “No comment”
3:13 pm; Arum hates me so much he tells people his favorite fight manager is Rap-A-Lot guru James Prince, Arum says he’s a bloody good manager, that ain’t humorous
4:12 pm: What the f---k is a Peenoy, anyway? What do that mean?
4:33 pm: Is you ready 4 this? Now lady boxer hit Rajah with $5 million civil suit, chump change to me, I can pay her off
5:31 pm: Cotto is gonna beat Packy like redheaded stepchild and spoil my jackpot fight
7:05 pm: Pops just called. He got 12 cases of Mountain Dew at Costco, his glucose level is thru the roof
8:18 pm: Going to bed soon so I can train at 3 am, Fitty Cent just called, may change handle to 75 Centavos, inflation u see
8:47 pm: I’m out, peeps, tweeps, and half twits. I hear Pacquiao is drunk in some Filpino saloon, I hope so, lol cuz he will be punch drunk when he fights me
9:05 pm: Rick Ross is Boss. Boss of what, boss of nothing, not even Port of Miami. He doesn't sell like my Philthy Rich label sells
9:19 pm: Richie Rich on horn again, says we have festival seating, sit where u want, for Marquez bout, it will be wild like that Who concert in Cincinnati where people trampled each other
9:27 pm: Hoorah, we've sold more ducats than Winky Wright-Paul Wlliams did
Sourc: http://www.examiner.com/x-5699-NY-Boxing-Examiner~y2009m8d6-Examiner-Exclusive-Private-tweets-for-twerps-from-Mayweather
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