Floyd Mayweather is either afraid of my piercing questions or too busy thugging out at the roller skating rink in Las Vegas to bother.
It took almost three weeks but I finally I got an answer from a Mayweather flack as to whether I could get a brief, 10 minute one on one telephone interview with boxing’s self-proclaimed Cash Cow.
I begged, I pleaded, I cajoled, I said this means more to me than life itself.
My begging went for naught.
The answer was no, hell no and don’t even think about it according to the Office of Flackery.
I was, it should be noted, invited to be on a group sex, er, I mean a donkey show media conference call with Money Must Pay next week.
I had to turn that opportunity down as experience has taught me that the operator never opens up my line to ask one of my laser like questions.
But that’s not the worst part of those calls. The ugliest aspect is that they always let ESPN’s Dan Rafael ask the first 47 questions, most of which include self references such as, “Floyd, when you and I were roller skating the other night and the ammo from OC’s gun had not even been loaded, did you think that 24 year old would rat you all out to the 5-0?”
I like Danny Boy but he is in love with the sound of his own voice.
I consider this another personal career achievement. I am putting this on my Wall Of Honor right alongside my credential rejection from the Ricky Hatton camp for the Pacman fight.
That Ricky, he wants to be a standup comic. He’ll have to get off the floor first. There is no such thing as a laydown comedian, you see.
At least Pacquiao still talks to me occasionally…I think.
It’s a shame because I was going to only ask boxing questions.
Nothing about the IRS.
Nothing about the midget rassler Hornswoggle.
Nothing about Unca Rajah's Black Mamba choke holds.
Nothing about how the hunt for the burglars of his megamansion is going. I do hear the lead investigator on this was OJ Simpson but I hear he's a little tied up now.
Now the heavy artillery has to come out.
I be thugging now.
Is you ready for that?
The real story is this, Michael Marley refuses to speak to Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
I am going to be a real grown up on this matter.
Take your group grope conference call and put it where not even the Vegas sun shines.
I was in boxing before Floyd Mayweather Jr. and I'll be here when he's gone.
That goes double for some people around him who will be back working at the car wash when he's done fighting.
Look in the mirror, suckers.
I told you guys I wouldn't take this personally.
I'm so proud of myself for my professional demeanor.
Source: http://www.examiner.com/x-5699-NY-Boxing-Examiner~y2009m8d26-Michael-Marley-refuses-to-speak-with-Floyd-Mayweather
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