The time has come to in fact see who is number 1, who will step up and become numero uno? Judgment time is now upon us, will Manny Pacquiao's public enemy #1 please stand up? Enough with the questions, we need answers. The answers will be here sooner than we think. In just a few days we will not only know the result, but we will have a clearer answer on who really deserves to face the Pac-Man.
Floyd Mayweather Jr's ego may be too big to admit that this is exactly what this bout has come down to. I know for a fact that Juan Manuel Marquez sees this fight exactly for what it is, a step closer to the dance floor for another chance to dance with the Pac-Man.
So who wins the fight? As much as I would love to see Pacquiao/Marquez 3, I feel that Mayweather is going to smash that plan. Forget the trainer, forget the weight, this fight will be won on pure style and skill and lack of risk on Mayweather's part. Allow me to explain.
Mayweather's speed will without a doubt play a big role here but his safety first mentality will sweep Marquez's chances of victory away. We know that Pacquiao is one of the fastest fighters of this decade, so if Marquez was able to cope with Pacquiao's speed then Marquez will be able to handle Mayweather's speed right? Well, the answer to that is yes and no, Yes, because the speed is coming in spurts and with less velocity than it did against the Pacquiao typhoon. No, because the speed coming his way this time will be timed and spaced out a bit.
Long story short, what that means is that against Pacquiao, Marquez was right there with him because of Pacquiao's intense style that presented wide open counter punching opportunities for Marquez to dine on. Against Mayweather Jr., the risks that Pacquiao took to get at Marquez will not be there.I see Mayweather defeating Marquez with a peek a boo style that will surely spell doom for Marquez.
The fight will be a battle of the brains type of clash, but in the end Money May will take the nod. Next question will then be if Money May will then take on Pacquiao, and if so, will Money May allow the Pac-Man to take the bigger slice of the pie? Before we even go there, we must first wait and see if the Pacquiao Typhoon can crush the Borriqua Bomber. Questions, questions , questions....Floyd Mayweather Jr. By UD over Juan Manuel Marquez
Source: http://www.diamondboxing.com/newsstory.php?list=9619
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