When Floyd Mayweather Sr told the world that Manny Pacquiao uses steroids, I hope the first thing that he did after that was to pick up his phone and call his attorney. To make an accusation like that, which clearly does damage to a persons credibility and good name, better be backed up with facts and proof otherwise face the very real possibility of legal actions. This statement, an unfounded statement, has sent shock waves throughout the boxing circles that has stirred up millions of angry Filipino's and American Pacquiao fans alike.
Manny Pacquiao is not just a great future hall of fame fighter, he also is a prominent figure in his county that millions and millions of people idolize. Pacquiao has earned his good name by overcoming trials and tribulations, by working hard and achieving goals that he put forth many years ago. Since arriving on the boxing scene, Pacquiao has defeated legends, future hall of fame prize fighters, and more importantly he has given back to millions of people not only in the Philippines but right here in America.
It's one thing to hype up a fight and to talk some trash back and forth all in good fun, but to outright accuse someone of taking steroids without providing any facts, or proof is a completely different story. This writer would not be one bit surprised if team Pacquiao responds to these accusations with a heavy hand, very possibly with attorneys in order to get to the bottom of this. Something like this should not be handled with kids gloves, this was a very outlandish accusation that will more than likely be responded to very accordingly.
There is a scripture in the Bible where Jesus says, "Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, with never a thought for the plank in your own?" Perhaps Mr Mayweather Sr should look in the mirror and evaluate his life, and look at the behavior of his own family before slandering or defaming another human being.
Source: http://www.examiner.com/x-23590-Mississippi-Fight-Sports-Examiner~y2009m9d16-Mayweather-Sr-better-have-facts-to-back-up-steroid-accusation
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